over 25 years SAP-
License expert knowledge
in einer Lösung

We close the gap in the market for SAP license expert know-how through an intelligent platform solution in combination with the provision of Expert Know How.

Where do we come from?

license one digital is a spin-off of Sandmeier Consulting - the first ever neutral SAP license consultancy and since then market leader and innovator in SAP license consulting. The expert knowledge covers in-depth SAP process and product know-how, legal expertise on SAP contracts and compliance issues, implementation of SAP license management, experience with over 25 years of SAP price list history and active SAP negotiation experience.

to the homepage of Sandmeier Consulting
license one for SAP is provided in the cloud.
Over 25 years of SAP experience
Dr. math. Michael Sandmeier, first neutral SAP license consultant

What makes us different?

With license one for SAP, we have created more than just another SAP license management tool. With license one, we have built the first SAP License Intelligence solution that goes far beyond the evaluation of theoretical potentials and scary risks. license one is the result of consulting projects and aims to provide high quality advice based on experience and recommendations. license one is therefore not just a comprehensive analysis and measurement platform. You will find simulation options for measuring the effects of measures. You will find AI-supported decision templates. And you will find benchmarks that you would expect from an experienced consultant.

The Team.

Louis Francus
already realizes today the tasks that customers will set tomorrow
Cara Martin
provides structure and order for all creativity
Luca Price
State-of-the-art technology makes everything possible
Jonas Deutschler
Conjures up any idea into a dashboard
Florian Niehaus
automates every process